lørdag den 18. juli 2009

home alone...for good...

The 1st of July my roommate moved out.

I knew when she told me that I would not get a new room mate and that I would not move.

That means I have a home alone... It definently takes some adjustment and it gets lonely, but when it comes down to it...I LOVE IT!!

I am spoiled too, I have a three room 1st. floor appartment in an old house in the rich area of town. This basicly means no noise, just peace. The places I lived before I would have to tolerate noisy parties with lousy music. Not here, here it´s only been Anton the downstairs neighbour´s parrot that has been noisy, but long time ago I got so use to it I don´t even hear him anymore.

Anyways back to the tree room luxury. I don´t have many things (oh that´s a lie actaully, I do have many things, but more like stuff...) my room mate did, so when she moved out, the kitchen, the living room and her room were practicly empthy.

I enjoy the space....I sort of just spread the stuff from my room to the other rooms and it´s nice, I like it half empthy. All I really need is a couch and I will be happy. But we all know me well, at least some of you do....If I stay here for 2 more years, the half empthy will be full...

I like having my own place, I like being able to decorate it however I want to, without having to compromise. It is a relief.

I am home alone for good, and it is good.