fredag den 29. maj 2009

it finally happend i missed the bus or actually the train

It so happend that I last week had my bike stolen, a great loss and irritation. A bike is crucial here to get around quickly, as a car is no option (for me) and the public transportation in this city is poor ( if it was like in copnehagen I would have no complaints what so ever...). Anyways, I boought a used bike Sunday and was ready to go again.

Monday morning, after a long weekend, I only get out of the door 6.39am but know that my new bike can go fast.

I get down to my bike and try to unlock it, but for some mysterious reason it will not unlock, I keep trying till the swearwords comes out of my mouth, until I realise no need to use all my energy before work, I will have to walk, catch the next bus and be an hour late for work.

As I start walking I think to myself it´s alright being an hour late, since I don´t have any early meetings...that thought only lasts till I realise I DO have an early meeting that I will be half an hour late for by missing the bus.

Well I decide so be it, until I remember THE TRAIN, maybe I will be able to catch the train that goes to the town where most my colleges live which is 20min from work, and the college I have the meeting with, could pick me up there and I would then not be late....uhuh...the thing is the train that I need to catch to make this happen leaves in 13min...I am 20min by brisk walking away from the trainstation.....

Optimistic as I am I start fast walking half running through half the city, I am telling you I am in no condition for that...But I WANT TO CATCH THAT DAMN TRAIN, I run and run and finally get to the platform exactly on time, the train is still there...

If I had gone to the train immediately I would have made it...Instead I paused for a moment to think where I wanted to sit and when I pushed the bottom for the traindoors to open it was too late and the train left without me.

So there I was all sweaty and out of breath before 7.15am...The lesson I have learned is:

Get up earlier
Don´t count on your bike (the new used one I got is actaully also stolen now)
Don´t run before 7am in the morning, unless you can take a shower afterwards
It´s ok to miss a meeting now and again

mandag den 18. maj 2009

about busy biking and a day easier than anticipated

to catch the bus to work i leave my house around 6.36am when i am in good time, then i can bike down the road in my own thoughts take it easy stop at the stop signs and so forth. it is also possible to leave around 6.40am, then i need to so some focussed biking, do the listening ear before the stop signs and hope cars wont be quiet about their driving pass. i have never been late for the bus yet, i am wondering if the day will come though, this morning i actually streched it till 6.41am, but i was still early at the bus stop, waited at least for 2-3min.

i expected a tough day today, i had some status meetings at the end of the day i was sure would take all energy left out of me, i mean i really was nervous about them the whole day, preparing for them, thinking about it and all...and then, they weren´t bad at all, i thought it would be a freak show of tears and shouting and swear words, but the person i anticipated this behaviour from actually behaved like a grown up after all and i left the meetings with more energy than i thought i would. that was the surprise of the day, and i have decided better expect the worse and then come off like this, i like that:)

it´s 12min pass my bed time, so i better get going, tomorrow is another morning and i rather leave at 6.36 than 6.41:).