torsdag den 10. december 2009


....which is sort of odd, cause today is my long day at work and the potential worse day to cook in terms of being too tired...I don´t get home before 6.30pm on Thursdays, but for some reason it is often the day I actually cook a real hot meal for dinner. I am always very proud of myself when I get it done these days...

Tonight I cooked some orzo and made a veggie sauce with lots of mushrooms and some onions, peppers tomatopaste and was delicious and I drank a Carlsberg and read the paper while eating....Don´t you just love knowing that:)

Anyways I am suppose to be in bed an hour ago....I really just needed to share these good news, since I usually use this blog to complain about trying to catch the bus....

Oh to keep you updated on hte bus situation....I am good these days, I get there way early and never have to hurry, LOVE it:)

fredag den 4. december 2009

am i really that old...

OK, so wednesday I went to a concert (shocker). A week day, next day not off...etc...

There was no turning it down because of that week-day excuse... it was The Raveonettes and me and my girlfriends LOVE them. They are Danish rock STARS and they have catchy music and a perfect style!

Well, the blog is about feeling old and let me tell you, I feel old after attending that concert. I have felt old a lot lately and I know I am not, 29 is no age at all. BUT when I compare to how I could go to concerts before and how it is now....well then I AM OLD....Feeling old at the concert had nothing to do with being with teenagers at the concert, many of the guests where middle aged...

Here is comes:)

Seriously...they write the concert starts at get there and there is a band warming up for the main feature, gah, you listen and try and like it, all the while time is ticking away and you still have to get up at 5.30am the next morning...main feature finally gets on stage at 9.30pm, you are happy about that, not too your feet are aching from standing up the last 2 hours, you try and enjoy the music, but all you can think of is your damn feet...finally the concert is over it´s 10.30pm, it takes another half hour to even get out of the place...

YES it´s me the above... I am the you-person...can you believe it?

I admit it I am a sit-down-concert person, I love to be able to sit down and enjoy the music that way...which is very ironic cause I do love dancing when the beat and rhytm and catchiness is there...which it certainly was Wednesday, but I just stood there...I am freaking myself out here:O

OH yes, maybe it´s just a phase, who knows...I will let you know in a year:)

onsdag den 2. december 2009

another tale of running

....appearently my running tales have no end:)

this morning it happened again...

my bike had a flat tire so yesterday after work i took it to the repair place to have it fixed (oh yesterday morning is another tale of adrenalin kick before 7am) and said i would pick it up today after work.

that meant that i this morning had to walk to the bus for work...not a problem at all, even when my bike is working i sometimes walk. i had to catch the train though this morning to complicate everything...walking to the train is a bit further by probably ten or twelve minutes...the train left at 6.34am and i thought that if i left my house at 6.10am i would have plenty of time.

well we know where the story is going...i did not have plenty of time, i don´t know if it´s because it was so cold and i for some reason walked slower to start with or something, but suddenly i was in a hurry, so i started running-walking fast-running-walking fast, stopping at a red light catching my breath-running-walking fast etc....while telling my self out loud how much i hate running to catch something...

well i made it 4 min in advance and did not hestitate to enter the train before deciding where to sit like i did last time ( read about that train story in a previous blog, forget which one)

ok so i was sweating like a pig... the lotion i used for my face this morning, which is a rather expensive lotion for the face, that i haven´t used in a while...well my face could not breathe through it so my face has HOTHOTHOT, i was amazed and pretty irritated, so much for good lotion....they should write as a CAUTION, don´t use it for running it may cause uncomfortable hot faces:)

thus the running tale of this week, maybe tomorrow or next week will bring a new one:)

torsdag den 15. oktober 2009

Never ending...

...are the bus story tales....continues today

Thursday is the long day at work...everybody works till 5pm. My bus leaves at 5.10pm so I leave 10 to 5 to catch it...Today I had a meeting with one of the parents right at 4.30pm...This made the whole leave work at 10 to a little hard...I set my alarm clock, so I wouldn´t get carried away in the conversation and also told the parents that we only had a short while and could scheduel another meeting and so forth...sure enough my alarm goes off, I send the parent off, get my co.worker who will take me to the bus and we rush off at 5pm.

So here is the bigfreaking deal....I WAIT FOR AN HOUR for that stupid stupid bus to finally come....and let me tell you, it is NOT warm outside anymore....I was so pissed, tired and freaked out about getting sick, ready to buy a car to make the commute easy.

Now I am home warm and just ate 6 cloves of garlic for dinner:) tomorrow I head for Amsterdam, lucky me:)

onsdag den 7. oktober 2009

thinking and acting like i was late for the bus and then i wasn´t

did the title give it away...

here is one more bus story...

so this morning it was raining it was dark and i was walking to the see when i walk i have to get out the door the latest at it was actually i scrabled out the door and started the brisk walk with my purse over one shoulder, my lunch and the cake in a plastic bag in my other han, which also held my "come on you gotta throw this umbrella away" as you can imagine it was not your usual easy brisk walking half way there i decide to look what time it was....mind you it is dark and raining and i only have the clock on my i got the phone out of my pocket to see the time and thought ok, time to up the brisk-ness to an easy i started running jogging because if i don´t catch the bus it will be an hour till the next one....anyhow...after a bit of a run, i look at my watch again and discover i didn´t get the right time first time i looked and i am way ahead of sucked....not only was i now sweating with all this stuff i had with my plus the stupid umbrella, i also had to actually stand and wait for the bus IN THE RAIN for like 8,10min.

so was the begining of the day and maybe it doomed the rest of my day, cause i cetainly did not have a wuhuuu day at work.

bright light of today is that the internet is working at home again:)

lørdag den 18. juli 2009

home alone...for good...

The 1st of July my roommate moved out.

I knew when she told me that I would not get a new room mate and that I would not move.

That means I have a home alone... It definently takes some adjustment and it gets lonely, but when it comes down to it...I LOVE IT!!

I am spoiled too, I have a three room 1st. floor appartment in an old house in the rich area of town. This basicly means no noise, just peace. The places I lived before I would have to tolerate noisy parties with lousy music. Not here, here it´s only been Anton the downstairs neighbour´s parrot that has been noisy, but long time ago I got so use to it I don´t even hear him anymore.

Anyways back to the tree room luxury. I don´t have many things (oh that´s a lie actaully, I do have many things, but more like stuff...) my room mate did, so when she moved out, the kitchen, the living room and her room were practicly empthy.

I enjoy the space....I sort of just spread the stuff from my room to the other rooms and it´s nice, I like it half empthy. All I really need is a couch and I will be happy. But we all know me well, at least some of you do....If I stay here for 2 more years, the half empthy will be full...

I like having my own place, I like being able to decorate it however I want to, without having to compromise. It is a relief.

I am home alone for good, and it is good.

fredag den 29. maj 2009

it finally happend i missed the bus or actually the train

It so happend that I last week had my bike stolen, a great loss and irritation. A bike is crucial here to get around quickly, as a car is no option (for me) and the public transportation in this city is poor ( if it was like in copnehagen I would have no complaints what so ever...). Anyways, I boought a used bike Sunday and was ready to go again.

Monday morning, after a long weekend, I only get out of the door 6.39am but know that my new bike can go fast.

I get down to my bike and try to unlock it, but for some mysterious reason it will not unlock, I keep trying till the swearwords comes out of my mouth, until I realise no need to use all my energy before work, I will have to walk, catch the next bus and be an hour late for work.

As I start walking I think to myself it´s alright being an hour late, since I don´t have any early meetings...that thought only lasts till I realise I DO have an early meeting that I will be half an hour late for by missing the bus.

Well I decide so be it, until I remember THE TRAIN, maybe I will be able to catch the train that goes to the town where most my colleges live which is 20min from work, and the college I have the meeting with, could pick me up there and I would then not be late....uhuh...the thing is the train that I need to catch to make this happen leaves in 13min...I am 20min by brisk walking away from the trainstation.....

Optimistic as I am I start fast walking half running through half the city, I am telling you I am in no condition for that...But I WANT TO CATCH THAT DAMN TRAIN, I run and run and finally get to the platform exactly on time, the train is still there...

If I had gone to the train immediately I would have made it...Instead I paused for a moment to think where I wanted to sit and when I pushed the bottom for the traindoors to open it was too late and the train left without me.

So there I was all sweaty and out of breath before 7.15am...The lesson I have learned is:

Get up earlier
Don´t count on your bike (the new used one I got is actaully also stolen now)
Don´t run before 7am in the morning, unless you can take a shower afterwards
It´s ok to miss a meeting now and again

mandag den 18. maj 2009

about busy biking and a day easier than anticipated

to catch the bus to work i leave my house around 6.36am when i am in good time, then i can bike down the road in my own thoughts take it easy stop at the stop signs and so forth. it is also possible to leave around 6.40am, then i need to so some focussed biking, do the listening ear before the stop signs and hope cars wont be quiet about their driving pass. i have never been late for the bus yet, i am wondering if the day will come though, this morning i actually streched it till 6.41am, but i was still early at the bus stop, waited at least for 2-3min.

i expected a tough day today, i had some status meetings at the end of the day i was sure would take all energy left out of me, i mean i really was nervous about them the whole day, preparing for them, thinking about it and all...and then, they weren´t bad at all, i thought it would be a freak show of tears and shouting and swear words, but the person i anticipated this behaviour from actually behaved like a grown up after all and i left the meetings with more energy than i thought i would. that was the surprise of the day, and i have decided better expect the worse and then come off like this, i like that:)

it´s 12min pass my bed time, so i better get going, tomorrow is another morning and i rather leave at 6.36 than 6.41:).

fredag den 20. marts 2009

cooking vegetarian

I think I blogged about "kaernehuset" before, the vegetarian eating club where I cook twice a month with friends.
Back in the 70ies these vegetarian clubs started all over, these days there are only a few left in Denmark from that time, "Kærnehuset" is one on them. They just celebrated their 33. birthday yesterday or maybe 34th. I am not sure. Anyways it is a volonteers based club, when you cook you eat for free, when you are a member you get it cheaper, if you come as a guest a bit more expensive. The place seats around 30 people and it´s the principle of whoever gets there first sort of thing. All sorts of people come, a few eat there every night (well it´s only open Tuesday thru Friday...) many have been there since it started(old hippies now:-)), families come, students come, professors come, all sorts of people from all sorts of ways in life...That is part of the fun of the place, you get to meet people you normally would never talk with.

Cooking there is what I like the most. I love planning, getting there grocessries and prepping and I love doing it with my girlfriends. We are 3 girls at the moment, one is an old friend and the other one I met through "Kaernehuset", cooking together is a great way to connect and also get to know new people.

The praise you get for cooking is another part of the fun, no matter how terrible I find the food, someone always loves it and mostly everyone loves it and praises the cooks, it´s touching and good if I am having a hard day:-)

Tonight we were only two cooks, but we did a damn good job, we were so supprised ourselves. We cooked indian style curry dish with chick peas, potatoes and onions (had lots of fresh gingerand garlic in it), rice with coconut, cooked and blended pumpkin and carrots that boiled with cinnema sticks and another christmas spice, we made indian style bread cooked on the stove, white cabbage with peas fried on the pan and for dessert banancake.... I could hardly believe all the dishes we cooked and we were not even in a hurry. It was a lovely evening and we were happy and all the guests were happy:-)
anyways, that was my little story of today, now I will actually call it a day and go to bed!

onsdag den 4. marts 2009

Working life after honeymoon

honeymoon phase of new work is over and reality strikes back. Yesterday was my first day of complete chaos and not being able to structure everything I had to do. I mean I thought of work cases before falling asleep, not good not good. It´s because the new phase of meeting clients and actually talking to them has arrived and I have stagefright about that... What am I going to say what am I going to do, yadiyahdi yaaah... I just don´t have the rutine and I feel lost:-/ Anyways there is nothing to do about, next week I have at least 3 meetings, one of them on my own and I have to tell some bad news, yikes, I hope I can do it in a very appropiate and empathetic way so that they wont get too angry at me:-/

lørdag den 21. februar 2009

finding hope beyond

Begining of February I started my new job in social services, children and youth department. Having more so thought of the hours, the pay and my collegees, I had not throughoutly considered what the job would actually consist of. Of course I knew the job describtion yet I did not know how much it would come to affect me.

Now tree weeks later I am starting to comprehend what I got myself into.

In my working hours I have to deal with the intens complex social problems of children who were raised in homes with violence, abuse, neclect in all sorts of aspects that no child should have to experience in the degree that the children I work with have. The service we offer is to help these children getting an appropiate childhood. Maybe this only means that the parents need some help to learn this, it could also mean a fosterhome or a professional institution if the neclect has damaged the child to such a degree that it will need 24 hour treatment.

Point is we are trying to save these children, unfortunantly we are not able to save all of them. That is almost unbearable and I am not sure if I will be able to accept that yet, if I am not, I am not sure this is the right sort of job for me. For now I am including my higher power God, I am completely helpless and I have to hope that there is hope, somehow God has that for me.

This reminds me of a sermon in my childhood I for some reason still remember about me doing the possible and God doing the impossible.

søndag den 1. februar 2009

thoughts on a studie done

So, it´s 7.05am and i don´t have to leave for another 15 min. I woke up before my alarm, before 6 and couldn´t sleep any more. I couldn´t FALL asleep either, bummer. I am starting my new job today, first job as a social worker.

Last week I graduated. I graduated and I am so relieved. I have never cared too much for the studie, it´s been some hard years for me. I can count on one hand the lessons I found interesting and that includes my internship.

I know I will love working though, then I will learn.

It´s not that I didn´t get anything out of studying. I have some friends now that I will stay in touch with, probably for the rest of my life or at least for many years to come. I engaged in studentgroups and got to know many other students than the ones from my semester. It was enriching if not with theories then with relations. Now I will brush my teeth and go to work, have a wonderful day!

mandag den 12. januar 2009

chatter tree

i have been on the phone with seven people in a row tonight and LOVED it:)

first i talked with my dad about some different job possibilities i have now, then i talked with my bachelor buddy ( whom i wrote the BA project with) also about the jobs and about examen. then i talked with tami and told her about the jobs...then i called an older lady about something i need to help her and her husband with on saturday, but only the husband was home, so i chatted with him for a bit. then i called my grandma and talked about my visit to america coming up, who knows when...then while i was on the phone with grandma, the older lady called, so i called her back after my grandma and talked with her....oh and somewhere inbetween some of the calls my sick mother called to talk about the jobs....wuhuuuu....maybe it´s because my one thing to do tonight is cleaning up my legal papers or whatever you call them...