søndag den 1. februar 2009

thoughts on a studie done

So, it´s 7.05am and i don´t have to leave for another 15 min. I woke up before my alarm, before 6 and couldn´t sleep any more. I couldn´t FALL asleep either, bummer. I am starting my new job today, first job as a social worker.

Last week I graduated. I graduated and I am so relieved. I have never cared too much for the studie, it´s been some hard years for me. I can count on one hand the lessons I found interesting and that includes my internship.

I know I will love working though, then I will learn.

It´s not that I didn´t get anything out of studying. I have some friends now that I will stay in touch with, probably for the rest of my life or at least for many years to come. I engaged in studentgroups and got to know many other students than the ones from my semester. It was enriching if not with theories then with relations. Now I will brush my teeth and go to work, have a wonderful day!

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