tirsdag den 19. august 2008

dreamhouse for sale

Everytime I go out to the garden I pass this house that I fell in love with at first sight. It always looked unoccupied, but there was no way of knowing, didn´t have a for sale sign up...it´s one of those fairytale houses, it´s from 1897 and has so much charm just looking at it.

Anyways, when I went to the garden yesterday I was passing the house and had to leave out a loud gasp, THE FOR SALE SIGN WAS THERE... My mind raced on the way out to the garden. How could I get the bank to loan me money, how would I manage to have a house in Odense when I probably would end up in another city....should I just decide that Odense was the place afterall....oh my anyways, I went on the internet when I got home and looked it up at the real estate page and sure enough it cost like 4,2million danish kroner, which is probably something like half a million dollars, probably a bit more...

Goodbye house, unless......it´s a nice old grandma who loves ME and wants to sell it to ME and and (maybe I watched too maybe hollywood movies...someone suggested that anyways after I told them about this whole crazy idea...)

Here are some of the pictures though, you will miss some of the magic that the live picture of it brings

did I mention it´s right by the habour and has a water view...sigh

and look at those pretty floors....sigh.....

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...

wow! pretty! wanna do a timeshare GG??

scott, tami and asher sagde ...

I love it!! It's gorgeous and perfect for you!