torsdag den 13. november 2008

dream mania

I have been dreaming every night for the last long time and I need to start writting them down. There is just something about having to write down when you wake up, doesn´t work for me.

Talking about waking up reminds me that this morning I woke up to the most beautiful full moon right outside my window shining into my room lighting it up, amazing:)

Last night I had a disturbing dream about our house. I woke up (in the dream) and noticed that the ceiling and walls where rotting up from water damage, it was terrible and I went to my room mate´s room and saw the lights where on, so I knocked and we whispered together ( cause appearently in this dream we have an extra spareroom right across from my room mate´s room where my friend was sleeping) and I looked at her ceiling and the water was practicly dripping, so I went to get a bucket, but it filled up really fast, so I went and got a plate ( I mean just a normal plate, great help huh!) that´s all I remember now 4 hours later:-)

1 kommentar:

scott, tami and asher sagde ...

Next time, if you dream about water damage, be sure to call me, because I fix water damage for my job :-)