onsdag den 5. november 2008


time for another blog, since i was so kindly reminded by my dear buddy.

i can tell you about the rats...

monday when i arrived home from school, there was a big hole in the front yard and a machine i suspect did the job...i was all questionmarks, bu then met the guy behind the machine on my way inside and asked what the heck was going on... he then told me it was rats....i then replied yikes and he explained a little more. next day i met our neighbours that lives underneath us in the wash room and she then explained the whole story and it would be terrible for me to try and translate it, i have no clue how to describe it...anyways, this morning when i left for school i could hardly get my bike out because now it is the whole yard that is dug up (?) i hope they find that damn rat or if it´s more, then all of them.

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sagde ...

sound like moles. but then again a mole can be a rat....

scott, tami and asher sagde ...
