torsdag den 18. marts 2010

new sandals!!! approved not approved?

I am actually on my way out the door....this saturday, by pure impulse I went into the shoestore...and i found a pair of sandals MY SIZE that i sort of I tried them and liked them....BUT where is my personal shopper??? OUT OF TOWN....really no way, yes I asked the little old lady assistent, can I come back with these if I regret and she said I bought them and TONIGHT, I am taking them to my dear friend who is also my counsellor when it comes to buying ANYTHING really, mostly shoes and clothes though....she will judge whether they suit me or not:) yeh for personal shoopers.

3 kommentarer:

annesue sagde ...

she approved, yeh! no stress about sandals this summer then, double yeh!

Grace sagde ...

Congratulations! =)

Unknown sagde ...

crrrazy woman!!!