torsdag den 10. december 2009


....which is sort of odd, cause today is my long day at work and the potential worse day to cook in terms of being too tired...I don´t get home before 6.30pm on Thursdays, but for some reason it is often the day I actually cook a real hot meal for dinner. I am always very proud of myself when I get it done these days...

Tonight I cooked some orzo and made a veggie sauce with lots of mushrooms and some onions, peppers tomatopaste and was delicious and I drank a Carlsberg and read the paper while eating....Don´t you just love knowing that:)

Anyways I am suppose to be in bed an hour ago....I really just needed to share these good news, since I usually use this blog to complain about trying to catch the bus....

Oh to keep you updated on hte bus situation....I am good these days, I get there way early and never have to hurry, LOVE it:)

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