søndag den 21. februar 2010


it´s sunday, the radio church service is buzzing in the background and I am looking out the window at blue sky, sun and snow.

It´s a lovely morning, I started it off by eating an apple and drinking a lot of water while reading the Sunday news paper in bed, yah. My throat was aching and I got scared of getting sick, so I thought, apple, water, good idea:) My throat is fine now so it helped or something:)

To make you jealous I gotta tell you after the apple and half the news paper I made pancakes, perfect pancakes. Not perfect pancakes as in the amazing receipe I have from Tami and Scott...But perfect as in they just turned out that way without a receipe. Ah! I used plain yogurt and that was a good idea, they were soft and yummy a real "danish" pancake as my long lost grandmother would make them. DELICIOUS.

Friday I put together some moving boxes but didn´t put anything in them, this morning I filled one of them with the clothes and books I have for the thift store. That´s it, I don´t feel like packing or sorting at all. I might hit a problem soon, cause I might say yes to an appartment tomorrow and if I do so, I really seriuosly need to start packing. Oh well:) I wount let that thought ruin this Sunday morning.

I am going to visit my good friend and her sweet family for afternoon coffee, so the day will just get better and better.

I hope you will have a lovely Sunday aswell.

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