Oh my, this December has been an eventful one! Finishing up school has been a big part of it, but in a good non-stressful way. My final examen won´t be before the end of January, but at least the paper is handed in and all missing now is preparing for the oral. Last week everything sort of just happend at once. I went for a job interview (since I will need a serious job now I am done with school...), I got the job and I handed in the paper (which actually wasn´t due till begining of January...) and as a side note I am now a proud member of the Danish State church, which also just happend.
As a person who´s emotions very easily gets affected....just imagine... I have handled pretty well I think, I am still up and going and fairly happy!
I am can recommend watching Mamma Mia, f-u-n-n-y! Just watched it will my parents tonight, love their preformances of the Abba songs...favorite is, dancing queen.....made me think of my good ol´buddies:-) love you guys!!!
tirsdag den 23. december 2008
torsdag den 27. november 2008
oh my...i am writting a project, did i mention? my bachelor project, i am loving it and hating it. i love writting and thinking, BUT i am not very good at it. or it takes me a looooooooong time to actually doing it. it´s such a satisfying feeling afterwards though and i love that feeling. for tomorrow afternoon i need to have 9 pages ready, i probably wrote 2 of them and i have to go in an hour and wount get back to it before tomorrow, so if i am lucky i only have to get down 6 pages tomorrow... not sure that will happen, but i am always hope.
anyways i better get back to the studies, i am still here though, in christmas spirit and all or i guess thanksgiving spirit, that´s today isn´t it!
anyways i better get back to the studies, i am still here though, in christmas spirit and all or i guess thanksgiving spirit, that´s today isn´t it!
mandag den 17. november 2008
Friday my dear parents returned from a trip to America. Thursday evening I went to their house and Friday I went with my brother to the airport to pick them up. I decided to do this almost a week before they came home. The thing was, I wanted it to be a supprise. It was so hard for me not to blog about, but sometimes my dad reads the blog, so I couldn´t risk it. Now that I write about it, it is not as exciting as it could have been if I did it before it happend.
I had to go back home Friday evening, so it was a short stay, but I am glad I did it! I love my mommy and daddy and wanted them to feel special. As the priest in the church close by said last Sunday, don´t save up the things you want to do, just do it.
I had to go back home Friday evening, so it was a short stay, but I am glad I did it! I love my mommy and daddy and wanted them to feel special. As the priest in the church close by said last Sunday, don´t save up the things you want to do, just do it.
torsdag den 13. november 2008
dream mania
I have been dreaming every night for the last long time and I need to start writting them down. There is just something about having to write down when you wake up, doesn´t work for me.
Talking about waking up reminds me that this morning I woke up to the most beautiful full moon right outside my window shining into my room lighting it up, amazing:)
Last night I had a disturbing dream about our house. I woke up (in the dream) and noticed that the ceiling and walls where rotting up from water damage, it was terrible and I went to my room mate´s room and saw the lights where on, so I knocked and we whispered together ( cause appearently in this dream we have an extra spareroom right across from my room mate´s room where my friend was sleeping) and I looked at her ceiling and the water was practicly dripping, so I went to get a bucket, but it filled up really fast, so I went and got a plate ( I mean just a normal plate, great help huh!) that´s all I remember now 4 hours later:-)
Talking about waking up reminds me that this morning I woke up to the most beautiful full moon right outside my window shining into my room lighting it up, amazing:)
Last night I had a disturbing dream about our house. I woke up (in the dream) and noticed that the ceiling and walls where rotting up from water damage, it was terrible and I went to my room mate´s room and saw the lights where on, so I knocked and we whispered together ( cause appearently in this dream we have an extra spareroom right across from my room mate´s room where my friend was sleeping) and I looked at her ceiling and the water was practicly dripping, so I went to get a bucket, but it filled up really fast, so I went and got a plate ( I mean just a normal plate, great help huh!) that´s all I remember now 4 hours later:-)
mandag den 10. november 2008
resigning shit job
I just got off the phone with my boss, who is not my boss much longer, cause I resigned.
This, I may add, is not an easy task for pleasers like me. I know he is going to have a hell of a problem finding people to cover christmas and now he has one less.
I called, told him, and he didn´t go off on me like I thought he would. I feel like I could fly now! HOW COOL, what a relief.
This, I may add, is not an easy task for pleasers like me. I know he is going to have a hell of a problem finding people to cover christmas and now he has one less.
I called, told him, and he didn´t go off on me like I thought he would. I feel like I could fly now! HOW COOL, what a relief.
fredag den 7. november 2008
HEY! mr cigarrette butt flinger
I think I spelled half the words wrong in my titel, but then again, English is my second language:) and I think you get the meaning...
Well mr throwing your cigg. butt up in the air...WELL IT HIT MY FOREHEAD DANG IT AND NOW I ACTUALLY HAVE A CIGARRETTE BURN... YOU (something bad) !!!...!!! WHAT THE HEAP WHERE YOU THINKING???
On my way to a first aid class I now attend every Wednesday night for the month of November I was biking along pretty fast as I thought I was late... then a guy walking on the sidewalk flung his cigg. butt up in the air right infront of me... It hit and burned and all I did was turn and yell "AV". If I knew the damage I would have stopped and told him where it´s at....and then again maybe he was one of those violent young people they keep telling about on TV and he would have then kicked me or something:)
Anyways all this to say, what happend to good behavior? I am a fan of that, it doesn´t injure other people!
Well mr throwing your cigg. butt up in the air...WELL IT HIT MY FOREHEAD DANG IT AND NOW I ACTUALLY HAVE A CIGARRETTE BURN... YOU (something bad) !!!...!!! WHAT THE HEAP WHERE YOU THINKING???
On my way to a first aid class I now attend every Wednesday night for the month of November I was biking along pretty fast as I thought I was late... then a guy walking on the sidewalk flung his cigg. butt up in the air right infront of me... It hit and burned and all I did was turn and yell "AV". If I knew the damage I would have stopped and told him where it´s at....and then again maybe he was one of those violent young people they keep telling about on TV and he would have then kicked me or something:)
Anyways all this to say, what happend to good behavior? I am a fan of that, it doesn´t injure other people!
onsdag den 5. november 2008
time for another blog, since i was so kindly reminded by my dear buddy.
i can tell you about the rats...
monday when i arrived home from school, there was a big hole in the front yard and a machine i suspect did the job...i was all questionmarks, bu then met the guy behind the machine on my way inside and asked what the heck was going on... he then told me it was rats....i then replied yikes and he explained a little more. next day i met our neighbours that lives underneath us in the wash room and she then explained the whole story and it would be terrible for me to try and translate it, i have no clue how to describe it...anyways, this morning when i left for school i could hardly get my bike out because now it is the whole yard that is dug up (?) i hope they find that damn rat or if it´s more, then all of them.
i can tell you about the rats...
monday when i arrived home from school, there was a big hole in the front yard and a machine i suspect did the job...i was all questionmarks, bu then met the guy behind the machine on my way inside and asked what the heck was going on... he then told me it was rats....i then replied yikes and he explained a little more. next day i met our neighbours that lives underneath us in the wash room and she then explained the whole story and it would be terrible for me to try and translate it, i have no clue how to describe it...anyways, this morning when i left for school i could hardly get my bike out because now it is the whole yard that is dug up (?) i hope they find that damn rat or if it´s more, then all of them.
torsdag den 2. oktober 2008
the joy of cooking
every other thursday me and two friends cook at this vegetarian eating club. it´s the oldest club in denmark and it´s 31years old. every tuesday till friday you can come and eat there fairly cheap and it´s all vegetarian and mostly organic.
it must be one of the most rewarding places to cook, people who come and eat are so thankful and give you so much credit for the cooking that it´s almost embarrasing.
today among other things i made an applechutney that turned out really good, and i mean if you cook well they surely let you know and even if we have a mad cooking day there they still are very generous with their credit... i am amazed and thankful, it really makes your day and you wanna come cook there again:-)
it must be one of the most rewarding places to cook, people who come and eat are so thankful and give you so much credit for the cooking that it´s almost embarrasing.
today among other things i made an applechutney that turned out really good, and i mean if you cook well they surely let you know and even if we have a mad cooking day there they still are very generous with their credit... i am amazed and thankful, it really makes your day and you wanna come cook there again:-)
tirsdag den 30. september 2008
a tv cry
well well, today was my day to be a tv crier (??..!!)
seriously i have been watching some wedding programs and then one of these song competition programs, where it´s kids.
oh my gosh, the love in the weddings, the kid who´s father comes all the way from america to see her in the finals, the overjoyed judges. my eyes kept overflowing...
i feel like a crazy woman, but then again, what woman is not?:-)
seriously i have been watching some wedding programs and then one of these song competition programs, where it´s kids.
oh my gosh, the love in the weddings, the kid who´s father comes all the way from america to see her in the finals, the overjoyed judges. my eyes kept overflowing...
i feel like a crazy woman, but then again, what woman is not?:-)
torsdag den 18. september 2008
and all that jazzzzzzzzzzz
sometimes i forget how much i love jazz and i listen to other music...but then out of the blue i get a song stuck in my head from a jazz album and i go and lend a ton of cds at the library and listen till i am full again:-D
jazz is just so life confirming, happy, joyful, i LOVE it....and it makes my day if it´s a lady singing in french, OOOOOOOOOOH, i get extra happy (!!??!...)
so at my latest venture to the library i got some old and new artists
ella and louis (fitzgerald/armstrong)
billy holliday
stacey kent
madeleine Peyroux
nice mix:-D
jazz is just so life confirming, happy, joyful, i LOVE it....and it makes my day if it´s a lady singing in french, OOOOOOOOOOH, i get extra happy (!!??!...)
so at my latest venture to the library i got some old and new artists
ella and louis (fitzgerald/armstrong)
billy holliday
stacey kent
madeleine Peyroux
nice mix:-D
torsdag den 11. september 2008
a treefold horay for vacuumcleaners
horay horay horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
today, as well as the other time this week where i have brought out the vacuumcleaner, i have been filled with gratitude like you should only be for something deep and meaningful, and not a dumb vacuumcleaner!
you may think why?
well let me tell you, even if you don´t wanna know!
IT CLEANS, it really cleans like no broom can clean. i have been stuck with a broom for the last couple of months and it´s just not the same. there is too many corners that collects dust here. anyone with dust allergies would not have been able to live in our house in that period. just a week ago my roomie brought home a new vacuumcleaner (the old one....long story...) and since i have not been able to stop using it:-)
so here´s to home appliances that makes your day:-D
today, as well as the other time this week where i have brought out the vacuumcleaner, i have been filled with gratitude like you should only be for something deep and meaningful, and not a dumb vacuumcleaner!
you may think why?
well let me tell you, even if you don´t wanna know!
IT CLEANS, it really cleans like no broom can clean. i have been stuck with a broom for the last couple of months and it´s just not the same. there is too many corners that collects dust here. anyone with dust allergies would not have been able to live in our house in that period. just a week ago my roomie brought home a new vacuumcleaner (the old one....long story...) and since i have not been able to stop using it:-)
so here´s to home appliances that makes your day:-D
tirsdag den 9. september 2008
the highs and lows of math
every tuesday evening i am in a math course. i enrolled to get math to the level i need, in order to apply for a new study next year.
let me tell you, the emotions i go through in 4 hours are like a rollercoaster ride.
i come in, anticipating "what will the evening bring?"... "will i be able to understand?"
(last time i felt devasted after leaving class cause i had not understood a single thing the teacher said, so obviously i was bound to feel a little nervous and some anticipatation about tonight)
the teacher then starts off where he ended last time
...i am on the edge, i wanna understand...
he quickly moves on to something totally different and a slow panic starts to arouse within me...
BUT i am keeping calm trying to focus, concentrate
(trying to remember what a friend told me....RELAX, if you panic you will never get it!!)
...i am getting to the point of tears, because i just don´t get it. if i don´t control myself i will actually start crying...
i keep telling myself to calm down and focus,
while i also keep telling myself i dont get it, i dont get it i dont get......
and then suddenly out of the blue i start understanding as we do the exercises, and i then desperately hold on to the knowledge, writting down like crazy not to forget, practising on the monster calculator (TI89) and still trying to follow the teacher.
i mean seriously it´s a mayor brain work out, i am completely wasted after those four hours, my brain is in cramps and i am thinking why the hell am i doing this???
but you know somehow it´s satisfying to get it and then to be smarter that way:-) though it´s a hard and tough road...(could you hear the preacher in that???:-))
let me tell you, the emotions i go through in 4 hours are like a rollercoaster ride.
i come in, anticipating "what will the evening bring?"... "will i be able to understand?"
(last time i felt devasted after leaving class cause i had not understood a single thing the teacher said, so obviously i was bound to feel a little nervous and some anticipatation about tonight)
the teacher then starts off where he ended last time
...i am on the edge, i wanna understand...
he quickly moves on to something totally different and a slow panic starts to arouse within me...
BUT i am keeping calm trying to focus, concentrate
(trying to remember what a friend told me....RELAX, if you panic you will never get it!!)
...i am getting to the point of tears, because i just don´t get it. if i don´t control myself i will actually start crying...
i keep telling myself to calm down and focus,
while i also keep telling myself i dont get it, i dont get it i dont get......
and then suddenly out of the blue i start understanding as we do the exercises, and i then desperately hold on to the knowledge, writting down like crazy not to forget, practising on the monster calculator (TI89) and still trying to follow the teacher.
i mean seriously it´s a mayor brain work out, i am completely wasted after those four hours, my brain is in cramps and i am thinking why the hell am i doing this???
but you know somehow it´s satisfying to get it and then to be smarter that way:-) though it´s a hard and tough road...(could you hear the preacher in that???:-))
lørdag den 6. september 2008
highlight of today
taking a nap at my friends´ house, while the mommy was cooking and the daddy was fixing my flat tire and their little boy kept coming over standing with his face right by mine and laughing this cute adorable laugh. he is a little darling and he entertained us all by singing da da daaa after dinner crawling up on a chair with his face lifted up and closing his eyes now and then..baby is only 1½years.
nothing like taking a nap on the couch in a family home, the sounds are different, i loved it!
nothing like taking a nap on the couch in a family home, the sounds are different, i loved it!
tirsdag den 19. august 2008
dreamhouse for sale
Everytime I go out to the garden I pass this house that I fell in love with at first sight. It always looked unoccupied, but there was no way of knowing, didn´t have a for sale sign up...it´s one of those fairytale houses, it´s from 1897 and has so much charm just looking at it.
Anyways, when I went to the garden yesterday I was passing the house and had to leave out a loud gasp, THE FOR SALE SIGN WAS THERE... My mind raced on the way out to the garden. How could I get the bank to loan me money, how would I manage to have a house in Odense when I probably would end up in another city....should I just decide that Odense was the place afterall....oh my anyways, I went on the internet when I got home and looked it up at the real estate page and sure enough it cost like 4,2million danish kroner, which is probably something like half a million dollars, probably a bit more...
Goodbye house, unless......it´s a nice old grandma who loves ME and wants to sell it to ME and and (maybe I watched too maybe hollywood movies...someone suggested that anyways after I told them about this whole crazy idea...)
Here are some of the pictures though, you will miss some of the magic that the live picture of it brings

did I mention it´s right by the habour and has a water view...sigh

and look at those pretty floors....sigh.....
Anyways, when I went to the garden yesterday I was passing the house and had to leave out a loud gasp, THE FOR SALE SIGN WAS THERE... My mind raced on the way out to the garden. How could I get the bank to loan me money, how would I manage to have a house in Odense when I probably would end up in another city....should I just decide that Odense was the place afterall....oh my anyways, I went on the internet when I got home and looked it up at the real estate page and sure enough it cost like 4,2million danish kroner, which is probably something like half a million dollars, probably a bit more...
Goodbye house, unless......it´s a nice old grandma who loves ME and wants to sell it to ME and and (maybe I watched too maybe hollywood movies...someone suggested that anyways after I told them about this whole crazy idea...)
Here are some of the pictures though, you will miss some of the magic that the live picture of it brings

søndag den 10. august 2008
garden update 3
garden update 2
Maybe you remember this picture of the tomatoes right before i brought them out to the garden
WELL, they grew and there are so many tomatoes on I can´t believe it, it´s so crazy
and the cucumber, well...i didnt know you should just plant one, i have like 10 or so
and they grow a lot of cucumbers, it´s FUUUUUUUUUn, i never grew cucumber before
and this little darling is the start of a honey melon, cool eh!
me and dad made a little video presentation of the garden that i will post soon, that will be something:-)

a garden update 1
mandag den 4. august 2008
summerjob highlight
I have a pretty lame summerjob cleaning at the psyc unit close to my house.
Scrubbing toilets cleaning floors and setting out food and cleaning up for the patients.
A braindead just do your job kind of work, for the money.
Well there is actually a favorite thing to do that I wish I could do more than once a day.
I carry a huge trash bag on my cleaning trolley and then I empty it after the day I have to write with a red marker on the bag which unit I was on and close the bag with this twichy thingie where you use another thing to close it really tight.
That´s the highlight of the day writting P601 with the marker and closing the bag. Sometimes I get to do it twice if I take the kitchen garbage:-)
Scrubbing toilets cleaning floors and setting out food and cleaning up for the patients.
A braindead just do your job kind of work, for the money.
Well there is actually a favorite thing to do that I wish I could do more than once a day.
I carry a huge trash bag on my cleaning trolley and then I empty it after the day I have to write with a red marker on the bag which unit I was on and close the bag with this twichy thingie where you use another thing to close it really tight.
That´s the highlight of the day writting P601 with the marker and closing the bag. Sometimes I get to do it twice if I take the kitchen garbage:-)
fredag den 1. august 2008
the bad conscience of a lazy day
i thought the titel was pretty good, so i better think up something to write.
today is my only day off this week.
i thought i would get up early and do something, yesterday i didn´t know what, maybe go out to the garden, maybe something else. well...
i spent one hour away from the house when i went downtown to shop or so i thought. it was too hot, i just looked a little around, didn´t get anything except from my favorite sandwich at mama´s. then i went back home doing what i did before going shopping...
READING READING READING. i finished up anne holt´s the truth behind the truth a crime book and continued with "the hindi bindi club", a huge chick flick book about the daughters of indian women who immigrated to america and it´s also about the mothers. i like it, it also has receipes in it.
anyways, this was all to tell that i, late afternoon started getting a bad conscience for this absolutely lazy day, i have had to tell myself over and over that it´s ok, i am not totally convinced yet, but i am planning to go straight to bed after writting this and it´s only 8pm...well well...
work is calling tomorrow at 6am
today is my only day off this week.
i thought i would get up early and do something, yesterday i didn´t know what, maybe go out to the garden, maybe something else. well...
i spent one hour away from the house when i went downtown to shop or so i thought. it was too hot, i just looked a little around, didn´t get anything except from my favorite sandwich at mama´s. then i went back home doing what i did before going shopping...
READING READING READING. i finished up anne holt´s the truth behind the truth a crime book and continued with "the hindi bindi club", a huge chick flick book about the daughters of indian women who immigrated to america and it´s also about the mothers. i like it, it also has receipes in it.
anyways, this was all to tell that i, late afternoon started getting a bad conscience for this absolutely lazy day, i have had to tell myself over and over that it´s ok, i am not totally convinced yet, but i am planning to go straight to bed after writting this and it´s only 8pm...well well...
work is calling tomorrow at 6am
onsdag den 30. juli 2008
mandag den 21. juli 2008
Olives, from disgust to delight
It has taken me probably 3 years since I decided I wanted to learn to eat olives, till today where I actually buy them in the store because I am hungry for them.
Really I am not picky when it comes to food, but there has been and still is a few foods I don´t care for at all or find disgusting. Olives have been in the disgusting category all my life, did not care for that salty yuky taste. While watching friends and father devourer them with great delight I could only frown.
Then I decided, I wanna eat them too. Slowly but surely, starting with eating a tiny bit of a tiny olive TOGETHER with something else, I ended up with today in the produce store buying extra nice green olives stuffed with peper. I can eat them alone now and can feel that one day I will love eating them like that, for now I am just almost there:-)
So now I am ready for the next food product I don´t like that I "should" like....not sure yet what.
Really I am not picky when it comes to food, but there has been and still is a few foods I don´t care for at all or find disgusting. Olives have been in the disgusting category all my life, did not care for that salty yuky taste. While watching friends and father devourer them with great delight I could only frown.
Then I decided, I wanna eat them too. Slowly but surely, starting with eating a tiny bit of a tiny olive TOGETHER with something else, I ended up with today in the produce store buying extra nice green olives stuffed with peper. I can eat them alone now and can feel that one day I will love eating them like that, for now I am just almost there:-)
So now I am ready for the next food product I don´t like that I "should" like....not sure yet what.
torsdag den 17. juli 2008
summer, sometimes sun and a week of sundays
I must say, travelling is adventure, but home is vacation.
This week I decided to stay home, do whatever I want when I want... It´s been the best vacation for many years.
I been going to the library a lot, just getting loads of books (and dvds, dont recommend, they are so damaged that you can only see half the movie) most of them I return again without reading them, but it´s nice to have the choices.
I went to the garden where I have the greenhouse, the cucumbers are going crazy and the blackcurrant and gooseberries are ripe. It´s gourgeous out there at the moment, very SUMMER, the nature when you go there and the place itself, wonderful.
Today I went to the garden store, Plantorama and that´s my new favorite store, I had to restrict myself from buying all the flowers I liked... So all I got was some flowers for our balcony and for the front entrance and then a "peace lily" for my room:-D heheheewe.
Tonight I am debating whether to go to a concert or not, I am leaning forwards staying at home... Maybe start a puzzle that I got from the thrift store....hm, big decisions eh, live love life as grandma says.
This week I decided to stay home, do whatever I want when I want... It´s been the best vacation for many years.
I been going to the library a lot, just getting loads of books (and dvds, dont recommend, they are so damaged that you can only see half the movie) most of them I return again without reading them, but it´s nice to have the choices.
I went to the garden where I have the greenhouse, the cucumbers are going crazy and the blackcurrant and gooseberries are ripe. It´s gourgeous out there at the moment, very SUMMER, the nature when you go there and the place itself, wonderful.
Today I went to the garden store, Plantorama and that´s my new favorite store, I had to restrict myself from buying all the flowers I liked... So all I got was some flowers for our balcony and for the front entrance and then a "peace lily" for my room:-D heheheewe.
Tonight I am debating whether to go to a concert or not, I am leaning forwards staying at home... Maybe start a puzzle that I got from the thrift store....hm, big decisions eh, live love life as grandma says.
tirsdag den 1. juli 2008
happy holidays
fredag den 27. juni 2008
chocolate jesus
last night, susan and i went to listen to a tom waits copy band. well, am i glad i went, they were so good, i simply loved it. i took some pictures cause they were good looking too, but unfortunantly i was too far away for them to turn out good. UH one of them is clear.
one of my favorites that they played was the chocolate jesus song, i found it on youtube with the real tom waits, enjoy
one of my favorites that they played was the chocolate jesus song, i found it on youtube with the real tom waits, enjoy
fredag den 20. juni 2008
tirsdag den 17. juni 2008
oh summer and finger sweating
oh summer i love you,
never leave
come clouds come rain
as long as you stay
the warm sun, the green grass, the birds in the sky
oh summer i love you
my oh my
how about that, annesue 4th grade or something
today i am happy for this season, it looks like the sun is steady today!
i started jogging or wagging, cause you can walk next to me as i "run". it's nice i like it, feels good to sweat and be out of breath, BUT i also sweat between my fingers, it's really weird, probably normal, but it's kind of yukky, so as i run i have to spread my fingers now and then to let the sweat out, odd eh!
never leave
come clouds come rain
as long as you stay
the warm sun, the green grass, the birds in the sky
oh summer i love you
my oh my
how about that, annesue 4th grade or something
today i am happy for this season, it looks like the sun is steady today!
i started jogging or wagging, cause you can walk next to me as i "run". it's nice i like it, feels good to sweat and be out of breath, BUT i also sweat between my fingers, it's really weird, probably normal, but it's kind of yukky, so as i run i have to spread my fingers now and then to let the sweat out, odd eh!
fredag den 13. juni 2008
live music, just better.
tonight the symphony orchestra of odense did a open air preformance down town.
katrine and i had a date to go there after she finished work(late). i brought the blankets and the irish coffee (decaf of course:-)) in a thermos( i wonder if i spelled that right...).
i LOVE it, i just love classical music live, they where playing movie theme music and it was awesome, i just love all the instruments melting together into such beautiful symphonies.
many of the musicians where myterious hot men, so katrine and i made up stories about them as they played. my favorite musician though was a little middle aged lady who looked like she just left the kitchen to come down and play her violin for a little while. lovely, just lovely.
the last piece they played was the theme music from indiana jones and man they did a good job.
live music is just better, much better, it just stirs the feelings much more powerful than on the player, love it, just love.
ps, i got tickets for the bonnie prince billy show in tivoli in july, more live music, yeh!
katrine and i had a date to go there after she finished work(late). i brought the blankets and the irish coffee (decaf of course:-)) in a thermos( i wonder if i spelled that right...).
i LOVE it, i just love classical music live, they where playing movie theme music and it was awesome, i just love all the instruments melting together into such beautiful symphonies.
many of the musicians where myterious hot men, so katrine and i made up stories about them as they played. my favorite musician though was a little middle aged lady who looked like she just left the kitchen to come down and play her violin for a little while. lovely, just lovely.
the last piece they played was the theme music from indiana jones and man they did a good job.
live music is just better, much better, it just stirs the feelings much more powerful than on the player, love it, just love.
ps, i got tickets for the bonnie prince billy show in tivoli in july, more live music, yeh!
torsdag den 12. juni 2008
tomato plant fetish
No kidding. Yesterday I finally planted my babies in the greenhouse. I grew them from seeds and have had them in my window, spoiled them with water and sunshine and loving. Now they are a 30 min bikeride away. But they were ready to stand on their own feet. I was gonna take loads of pictures, but the battery died on the camera I borrowed, but soon. Above is a few pictures I took before they went to the greenhouse, I put them out on my balcony for a pose:-)
tirsdag den 10. juni 2008
Dentist visit, better late than never
It's been 5 years at least since my last dentist visit. Many may think, oh she has the dentist angst. When it comes down to it, I love going to the dentist, I love it when they clean out my teeth of all the miscoloring and other junk, it's like a relief somehow.
Last time I went to the dentist was when I lived in Amsterdam, I was home for a visit and saw my dentist then. She told me I had a few "shadows" that she wanted to do something about. I was broke at the time and told her flat out, I don't have the money, maybe next time... 5 years later and a new dentist, I was a bit scared for my poor teeth, but she told me they where doing really good. I feel like I got a grade I didn't deserve when she told me!
Last time I went to the dentist was when I lived in Amsterdam, I was home for a visit and saw my dentist then. She told me I had a few "shadows" that she wanted to do something about. I was broke at the time and told her flat out, I don't have the money, maybe next time... 5 years later and a new dentist, I was a bit scared for my poor teeth, but she told me they where doing really good. I feel like I got a grade I didn't deserve when she told me!
lørdag den 31. maj 2008
late night disturbance
well, i consider myself old enough to say those young people....it's 11pm and i have been trying to sleep for the last half hour, now i decided to write a blog and this is why... i live in a peaceful neighbourhood, the rich peoples area, with all the expensive houses, so unlike the flat i lived in before, i now dont have to listen to various neighbour's party all night long on weekends....well, the rich people have teenagers...our neighbour to the left must have left their house to them this weekend, cause tonight they are having a party in the yard with music so loud it could be coming from my player...now the worse part is not that the music is so loud, it's their music taste, seriously, i cannot understand the music young people listen to and even people my age when they wanna party, goodness gracious!!!!!!!!!!! i am laying here considering my options if they continue the loud music, cause i dont wanna get up and go ring their doorbell, but do you call the police?? i am just hoping some of the other neighbours do something soon so i dont have to get on with it... i do wanna sleep and if they just played you know good music, some johnny cash or sufjan or belle and sebastian or you name it, then no problem, i would go to sleep with a smile on my face, grateful that my neighbours know good music
torsdag den 29. maj 2008

Here is my new hair, a couple of weeks old now, but i think i was successful in cutting it myself this time, so that was nice....just love the cutting thing. Just cut one of my school mates and gave him one heck of a haircut -I think anyways:-) So come by if you want a haircut, not only will I give it for free, it will probably look good too, cause I am on a roll baby;-)
fredag den 23. maj 2008
5 year old matchmaker
my cousin's 5 year old daugther was trying to hook me up today.
I look after her and her sister now and then when they need a babysitter, and many times I have heard her talk about one of the male employees in her kindergarten, she loves this fellow, he is like a superhero in her eyes. I guess he is really good with the kids.
So today she was talking about him again and then out of the blue told me that he should be my boyfriend with a smug smile on her face, I thought it was so cute! I take it as a huge compliment, cause I know she loves me and she really likes him so she probably thought it would be nice if two people she loved would be together...
I look after her and her sister now and then when they need a babysitter, and many times I have heard her talk about one of the male employees in her kindergarten, she loves this fellow, he is like a superhero in her eyes. I guess he is really good with the kids.
So today she was talking about him again and then out of the blue told me that he should be my boyfriend with a smug smile on her face, I thought it was so cute! I take it as a huge compliment, cause I know she loves me and she really likes him so she probably thought it would be nice if two people she loved would be together...
onsdag den 7. maj 2008
growing up
yes, today, i took one more step towards becoming a serious mature grown-up lady... i finally got an insurance, one of the basic ones. so now all you theifs, come steal my no good computer and burn down my house, now i can afford it:-)
dang, i even got myself a travel insurance, so now i never have to worry about that. it's amazing what money can buy you! AND it's amazing how attractive my bank counsellor can make using money on "boring" things.
dang, i even got myself a travel insurance, so now i never have to worry about that. it's amazing what money can buy you! AND it's amazing how attractive my bank counsellor can make using money on "boring" things.
mandag den 5. maj 2008
comment on the picture and do you think i am pregnant?
you may wonder about the picture i posted on top of this site. let me explain. first i was editing my blog at school and that was the only picture i had of me on the school computer. well! second, i am the short hair blondie, the one with the sunglasses next to me is annika and the one whose back you can see is tami crammed together in a laughing fit.
the picture was taken at scott and tami´s wedding reception back in who knows when. annika and i were gonna do a little sketch for tami....well the skit started out with a little rap, starring annika and the leadsinger and me as the choir. it was an inside joke, a thing we had with tami, therefore she was the only one getting it, therefore she could not withhold her laughter. it takes to long to explan so i will stop here.
i just wanted to share with all you women who already experienced it, today was my day to get asked "are you pregnant?" and i am not!
the picture was taken at scott and tami´s wedding reception back in who knows when. annika and i were gonna do a little sketch for tami....well the skit started out with a little rap, starring annika and the leadsinger and me as the choir. it was an inside joke, a thing we had with tami, therefore she was the only one getting it, therefore she could not withhold her laughter. it takes to long to explan so i will stop here.
i just wanted to share with all you women who already experienced it, today was my day to get asked "are you pregnant?" and i am not!
tirsdag den 29. april 2008
I wonder what that is translated to English, but it's what I am doing now. I have examen in a month and it would be really good if I started reading, but instead I surf the net, watch tv, eat, you know, other things. And now I decided to write my first blog on this site, greeeeeeeeeeat:-)
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